Lately ni gua tak tau kenapa ramai sangat terjah kat gua and tanya pasal property purchase.. Nak kata kat dahi ada tertulis "Tempat Bertanya" takda la pulak masa gua tengok cermin pagi tadi..
Tapi cam besa... gua ni di anugerahkan sifat suka-menolong terutama kepada golongan insan lemah.. perghhh. Soalan lazim yang gua selalu dapat lately "kalau gua beli rumah kat area ni, lu rasa ok tak?" or "agak-agak area ni ok tak kalau gua beli?" Pelik betul.. nak beli rumah pun dok sibuk tanya perasaan gua.. macam la gua nak bayar down payment lu.. hahahah...
Biasanya kalau gua dapat soalan camni.. gua besa tanya balik.. "lu beli ni untuk investment or tinggal sendiri?". Kalau untuk investment a lot of consideration must be taken into account.. bab ni mungkin gua boleh bagi pendapat gua yang bernilai 2 sen setengah ni.. tapi kalau untuk sendiri duduk.. nak buat anak dan beranak pinak.. lu tepuk dada tanya selera sendiri la. Why? Bab ni gua susah nak cakap.. very sentimental gua cakap lu. Purchase of home and purchase of investment property is different.
Purchase of investment property should not have any emotional attachment.. yg perlu tengok is the INVESTMENT RETURN whereas purchase of HOME involves loads of emotional consideration.. People purchase home for various reason.. ada yg suka design.. ada yg suka pasal rumah depan padang.. ada yg suka pasal neighbor dia cute-cute.. ada yg suka pasal area tu ada mamak stall... dekat dengan parent.. awek.. mistress..macam-macam la.. letih la kalau nak list.. Kesimpulannya.. macam tengok awek la.. ada awek gua rasa paling cantik.. kalah miss world.. tapi mungkin ada setengah orang rasa biasa je... ada orang rasa hampeh! The thing yg lu mungkin should take into consideration is the crime rate.. cos its a threat to your life and family well being.. the rest.. is up to the eye of the beholder... as long as it will make you happy for whatever reason.. just buy it.. YOU DONT NEED ME TO ENDORSE :P
Happy buying...
fakta yg harus difikirkan..
ReplyDeleteHm.. cam pernah menjadi seorang yang pernah bertanyakan soklan sebegitew ajerrrrr eheheheh.. thanks for the tips.......
ReplyDeleteMek d - Dont get me wrong.. its good to ask.. it open up things that we may not see but as always we need to keep an open mind about other views :-)